Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Road to Moon Lake

Several years I started my spiritual growth journey in earnest.  The universe saw fit to put Kristy in my life - she is also on the same spiritual path.  I automatically had a "partner in crime".

Kristy and I read books, devoured websites, had lively discussions.  We felt we were ready to find others walking the same path.

This decision led us to a local temple that was touted as a Wiccan temple.  We hesitantly began reaching out to this group in hopes of inclusion.  This group seemed like a great place - we attended several rituals, workshops, and tried to cultivate friendships.  I even brought Tracy to a few events.  All the while, I knew there was something "off" about these people.  The high priestess is a "hot mess" to put it lightly.  She is unfriendly and gives off a definite superior vibe - without being able to back it up.  I was extremely uncomfortable around her and her husband (the High Priest).  I put up with these feelings because of my growing attachments to other people in the group - Cindy being the main one.  

I watched the High Priestess bicker with another "pagan leader" on Facebook.  I read her words, I understood her meaning.  I did not like any of it.  I was so very disappointed - here was irrefutable proof that this woman was NOT a leader, and was definitely not like anything I ever wanted to resemble - let alone follow.

Finally, these feelings of negative energy outweighed any positive and we (me, Kristy & Tracy) decided to bow out.  The saddest part is that I really thought more people would care - maybe even reach out to us.  While 2 people did, neither High Priest/ess did.  I gave up.  I worshiped solitary.  I did not feel I was learning all I could - but I was trying.

October 2011 - December 2012 was a very dark time for me.  Between my health issues, Scott's health issues, and Janis dying - I was a wreck.  Not much true worship occurred during this time.

Scott and I started 2012 trying to "be better".  We took 3 trips to Eureka Springs, AR.  We decided to try to move there.  I began coming out of my spiritual fog.  

Finally in July 2012 I started experiencing "pings" from the universe.  I needed to reach out to Cindy.  This nagging feeling finally got the best of me and I took a chance and posted a quick hello to Cindy on Facebook. She seemed happy to hear from me and we met that weekend for coffee. 

During our coffee talk I found out the "temple leaders" persecuted her and drove her out.  While I was so sad to know that these mean people hurt Cindy, I was also thrilled.  This meant that I could cultivate a friendship with her without fear.  Then she invited me to join her class.  She was teaching the beginner class - all on her own.  I WAS ECSTATIC.

I joined the class, and even though I came in "mid way" I was welcomed warmly by these wonderful women.  I was comfortable, relevant, and 100% present.

That was a little over 2 months ago.  I have gone to every event, every class and honestly feel like I belong with this group.  My spiritual growth has gone into warp speed.


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE having you as a part of Moon Lake, Holly - you have so much to offer to us all! And you're fun (a firm requirement! LOL).
