Monday, September 10, 2012

I am Crafty, Hear me ROAR!

Here we go!  I have always been crafty at heart.  I ALWAYS have multiple projects in the air.  This was a way of life for me and anyone who knows me knows this to be true.

Enter the website 'Pintrest".  Holy crap why did I not think of this.  It is like fantasy football for girls.  I have gained many ideas from this site and I will give you a breakdown of the crafts....

1 - grapevine wreath covered in honey and birdseed.  This was the first one - and not only was I proud of the finished product, the birds in my yard were THRILLED.  The Carolina wren adores the wreath and I adore a Carolina wren - so it was a win/win. 

2 - Concrete step stones - This was a super fun project that included more laughter than creativity.  These stones are cute, but they are also several inches thick - meaning they are heavy as HELL.  The bag of concrete did not make as many as I thought - mainly because of the thickness.  I can say, however, that making them was a blast and I will proudly use these step stones in my gardens and giggle each time I see them. 

3 - Blueberry Yogurt Bread...This was not a good 'project'.  The bread itself probably tasted wonderful, but then adding that glaze...YUCK.  It was way too sweet and sour at the same time.  and it made a HUGE mess.  By mess I am talking a MESS - a big, sticky, gooey mess.  I think I spent more time cleaning up the mess than it took for the loaf to hit the garbage can.  This was my first Pintrest failure. The photo below is from Pintrest.....I did not photograph my monstrosity.

4 - The only good thing that came out of the Lemon Blueberry bread, was the leftover lemon zest.  So, what does one do with leftover lemon zest????  Why you mix it with sugar, olive oil, and lemon oil to make Hand Scrub.  Now this turned out great. I use it frequently.  The bread will not get made again, but the hand scrub may be in everyone's Yule gift basket ;-)

5 - Jewelry, Jewelry, Jewelry!  I have always made jewelry off and on.  But Pintrest woke up that monster again.  I began making more jewelry than I could wear.....hell more than Liberace could wear.  My friends would come to the house and 'shop' my dining room table.  I have given away more jewelry that I have now.  When I started I had no I have tools, jigs, and all of that good stuff.  I am 'like' a professional at this point.  (haha)  I dream about going to a craft fair to sell my wares - my husband thinks I could sell out.....I feel a bit torn.  I love my creations and cannot imagine a stranger buying them.  But I will work on that.  Here are a few of my creations....

There are other crafts that I am doing....but I will document them as they get finished!  I am sure decoupage will be a whole blog entry. ;-)

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