Friday, September 14, 2012

Furry Children

I am never more comfortable then I am with all my 'furry children' close enough to me to touch.  I am the mommy to 2 funny little chihuahuas and 2 kitties.  Because I am such a good mommy - here are pics of my babies -

Bob - Ragdoll Cat - 16 years old (yes, he is that old)
Bailey - Chihuahua/Feist Mix - 8 years old
Bearly - Chihuahua - 5 years old
Bella - 'Foster' kitten that could not leave - 2 years old 
Bearly and Bella playing in the yard - these critters are besties!

I also have 2 aquariums full of lovely fish and TONS of birds in my backyard.  In short I do not believe one can be truly happy without animals of all kinds around.  My house critters keep me company, follow me around, sleep with me, and are ALWAYS so happy to see me.  They pay attention to me - without fail.  

There are times when I want a kitten or a puppy - but I know that I am at the limit as far as what I can take care of.  I also think of the animals that have been a part of my soul and then left me and that pain is not describable - these pets still haunt my consciousness.  These memories help me not go "animal hoarder" crazy.  Even though I miss the baby phase of my critters.

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