Thursday, September 6, 2012

Morning Glories & Troublemakers

 I have a Witches' Spell-a-Day Almanac that provides spells or charms for each day.  I try to look at it every day and at least take in the words.  Today's entry was about protection and stopping troublemakers.  Wow.  That is both timely and powerful.  When I think of the troublemakers in my life this spell sounds both therapeutic and important.  Once my work day ends - I will light some incense and ground myself so I can embrace this.  I even have Morning Glory growing in my yard.

I really appreciate the line that gives the troublemaker the ability to break free by just being nice.  Niceness is always the right choice.  You never know what the other person is going through at that moment.  We all carry baggage with us.  When people are "ugly" to me - I try to turn my emotions to sympathy or empathy.  Lashing out at people is a release for some - I know I have snapped on complete strangers before and always feel both ashamed and guilty.  Whether or not the person deserved random anger is not the point.  The point should be how I (as a fellow human) handled my frustration and/or anger.

So, tonight when I am protecting myself from troublemakers of all kinds ~ I will also ask for the humility it takes to just BE NICE.

From my Witches' Spell-a-Day Almanac - 2012
Color of the day: Green
Incense of the day: Nutmeg

The gorgeous climbing morning glory is a protective flower.  Its foliage, blossoms, and vines can all be worked in protection and binding spells and charms.  As we have a waning Moon, let's conjure up a floral fascination-style binding spell.

Write the troublemaker's full name on a piece of paper.  If you can obtain their signature, or a photo of only that person, then ass that as well.  Wrap Morning Glory vines around the paper so it is all bound up.  Set the vine wrapped paper down and focus your intention on the problem while you say:
With this spell, bound hand
and foot you surely will be,
Unable to stir up any more
troubles for me.
You can break free from this spell, 
once you have learned your lesson,
Be kind to me from now on,
and all will be forgotten.

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