Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh Shit Part Deux

Really?  Just Really?

I had the super mammogram and ultrasound on Monday (11/5/12).  There is a 10mm mass in my left breast.  The Dr. graded it a BI-RADS 3 - meaning it could be bad or it could not be bad.  The only way to know for sure is a biopsy, which I am having 11/14/12. 

I AM FREAKING OUT.  Honestly I am a lot more worried about the biopsy than the results.  Whatever the results are I will be able to deal with.  Having a needle inserted into my breast and tissue removed...well that is freaking me out.

Thank the gods for Xanax.  My Gyno is nice enough to call me in a script to get through the next 7 days.  Since I have not slept more than 4 hours at a time since may be a good thing.

My job is really busy right now....lots and lots of busy work.  That is a good thing.

I have MY FIRST ritual 11/12.  It is a new moon ritual and my teacher says I am capable and ready.  So I am taking her word for it and going for it.  But, as usual, I am second guessing myself and over thinking it waaay to much.  Thankfully, my teacher is an amazing woman - cause I get to go to her tonight and get help writing this ritual. 

I know I am "all over the place" right now.....but I am freaked out.

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