Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I wish you enough

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all you posses.
I wish you enough "hellos" to get through the final "goodbyes".
I wish you just enough.

I am a Facebook junkie....I spend a great deal of time "playing" on Facebook.  Most of the information I see within the Facebook space is frivolous nonsense.  Once in a while, a status update will make me stop and feel.  The above prose was a status update from "The Daily Budda". 

I am a consumer.  I buy things, I dont always recycle, I still use plastic bottles because I am addicted to VitaminWater (dragonfuit!).  These actions alone were not enough to make me stop and think, but after reading "I wish you enough" I began examing my life and where I have MORE than enough.

I can buy less.  I can make more of an effort to recycle.  I can try to "upcycle" items before they make it to the garbage.  What I can't do is understand how to determine when you have enough. Apparently I am trying to make up for not having enough, by purchasing more stuff.  The stuff does not make me feel better for long - the good feeling stops when I realize that I still have a broken-ness inside me and no amount of "stuff" is going to fill it.

The things I dont have enough of are not things I can go buy.  Money is no use when you are searching for an understanding of your place in the world.  Money does not answer the question "why am I here?".  So, now that I understand that....what's next?

I am not going to go severe.  I will still go shopping.  I will still get my nails done.  I will still roam around antique shops to find treasures.  What I will do is switch to Snapple, because they are in glass bottles and can be recycled easily.  I will continue to look at the items I have around my house with a thought of "does someone else need this?" - if the answer is yes, then I will give it to them.  I will continue to be a good friend, wife, daughter in law, step mother. 

I believe the spritual journey I am on is much bigger than I originally thought.  Wicca is a nature based path.  Not only do I need to align myself with nature, but I need to be a steward for nature.  Nature, our world, needs protection and now that I have self-reflected enough to understand that it is my responsibility to make the small changes (internal and external) there is no reason for me not to follow my spirit.

Expect to see a lot less VitaminWater and a lot more tree hugging from me.

Peace and I wish you enough.

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